Dramatic Skiesand Colors


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The entire start-to-finish process for creating one of my most dramatic seascape photographs, Sanctuary.

In this course, I’ll teach you my technique and philosophy for preparation, why, and how I create the images I’ll be combining and creative ways of capturing different portions of the image. I’ll show you my process for selecting the images I’ll be working on within Lightroom, and how I begin to make color corrections and adjustments in each image I’ll be combining.


Easily combine the best properties of multiple images!

This course is for you ifā€¦

Combining and blending images is a long, painful process.

You don’t know how to create high-impact seascape photography.

You struggle to get the images you need for the final product.

Imagine you couldā€¦

Easily combine the best properties of multiple images to create magazine-worthy photography. Use advanced dodge and burn techniques to paint with light and shadow. Master all of the corrections, masks, and syncing multiple files in Photoshop.

Hear what my students are saying...

“Great approach to shooting and editing. I’m looking at things differently now.”


“Genius! Michael has a great eye for seeing what is there and making the most of it.”


“I realized there’s much more to a photograph than the technical aspects – there are the artistic qualities that I can uniquely find.”


"What I want to get across is the mindset, that sometimes you have to take a step back and take a look at these files and know they just need a few tweaks to make them perfect."

Michael Shainblum


Dramatic Skies and Colors


Combine images to create drama in this step-by-step tutorial as you learn the mindset, the technical details of how the images were shot, and the processing steps to create this mysterious seascape photograph.

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1h 1m


Beginner / Intermediate



Start to Finish - Seascape Tutorial Sanctuary

Follow along on my start to finish process in creating this dramatic seascape image; how I prepared for the shoot, my reasons for shooting the way I did, and how I created the exposures. Then follo...


Dramatic Skies and Colors


Combine images to create drama in this step-by-step tutorial as you learn the mindset, the technical details of how the images were shot, and the processing steps to create this mysterious seascape photograph.

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